How to Add ATH token in Trust Wallet
Trust Wallet
Last updated
Trust Wallet
Last updated
Tokens are Digital Assets created within the application on a particular blockchain. Trust Wallet supports several blockchains where tokens are being issued. Some examples are ERC20 on the Ethereum Network, BEP20 on Binance Smart Chain, and SPL tokens on the Solana blockchain.
When a token has been successfully sent to the wallet and it does not appear, it can be manually added as a Custom Token. For this guide, we will try to add a BEP20 token to the Binance Smart Chain.
Tap on the toggle sign in the upper right corner of the main Wallet screen. Search for the token, and if the token is not available, you will see a “No Asset Found” message with an Add Custom Token button.
Tap on Add Custom Token button, then make sure that you have selected the correct Network. For this guide, we need to select Smart Chain on the supported Network, since this is a token that resides on the Binance Smart Chain.
ATH Contract address: 0x5597d204118436b5bca397aded5ac6923a26033d
After pasting or scanning the Contract Address, the other details like the Name, Symbol, and Decimals will be automatically filled up. If not, fill them in manually. Tap on Save to continue.
Hope this tutorial helps you solve your problem of not seeing the ATH token in your meta mask and trust wallet. Kindly follow and be active on our social media and community channels.
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